4 Things to Consider About Invisalign for Teens

4 Things to Consider About Invisalign for Teens from Eric A. Larson DDS in Salt Lake City, UTIf your teenager is in need of teeth straightening treatment, you may be wondering whether Invisalign® for teens is a viable option. There are pros and cons to everything in life, and Invisalign is no different. Here are four things to think about as you consider the appropriate choice for your child.

How Invisalign for teens works

Invisalign uses clear aligners that sit over teeth and straighten them using the application of pressure. A set of aligners is worn for a few weeks before the patient goes back to the dentist for a new set, each time getting closer to attaining the straight smile that they desire. The straighteners can be removed for eating and oral care but should be kept in the mouth for 22 hours each day to produce optimal results. If your teenager wears them less than the recommended daily time, it could take longer for their teeth to move into the preferred positions.

Things to consider about Invisalign

Before deciding whether Invisalign is the right choice for your family, think about the following:

1. How much work does your child’s mouth require?

Whether or not your child is a candidate for Invisalign depends on their teeth. If they have very crooked or twisted teeth with severe under or overbite, Invisalign is likely not viable. Additionally, if your teen needs teeth pulled before having their teeth straightened, Invisalign may not be a good fit. However, dental aligners could work well if your child's teeth are not extremely crooked and do not have gaps from missing or pulled teeth.

2. How prone your child is to lose things

Since Invisalign for teens can be extracted from the mouth, there is always the possibility that the aligners will be lost. This is especially true for busy teenagers rushing to eat lunch at school. In addition, the clear devices can easily be accidentally tossed into the trash. If your child is prone to losing things, you may want to consider a different option.

Though Invisalign can be easily misplaced or lost, it does allow for easier oral care. In addition, since the aligners can be removed, your child can care for their mouth like they normally would by removing the aligners first.

3. How self-conscious your child feels

If you have an especially sensitive teenager who is self-conscious about appearance, Invisalign could be a wise option. Clear aligners are hardly visible to others, allowing your child to breathe easier without fearing the ridicule of peers.

4. How much pain your child can tolerate

Invisalign is a comfortable option for people who want straighter teeth. The trays do not cause sore spots in the mouth because their surface is smooth. Additionally, aligners are far less likely to break or crack, saving you from unplanned visits to a dental office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign for Teens in Salt Lake City, UT


Deciding whether to use Invisalign for teens to straighten your child's teeth is personal and requires thought and discussion with a dentist.

Request an appointment or call Eric A. Larson DDS at 801-871-8983 for an appointment in our Salt Lake City office.

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